Have You Been Charged With a DWI In Denton?


If a police officer suspects a driver to be under the influence, suspicion isn’t enough to arrest them. Instead, the officer must gather evidence to support their suspicions of a DWI.


Law enforcement officers in Texas must collect specific evidence to prove a driver was under the influence at the time of arrest in court.  What evidence must be submitted to the court for a person to be convicted of a DWI?


Officers Must Demonstrate Proof That You Were Driving The Vehicle On A Public Road


An officer will record information about the traffic stop/sobriety checkpoint, such as location, time, date, etc. They will document information about the vehicle, including its location and your position inside of it, while talking to you.   With these notes, the officer can show the court you were the driver of the vehicle and were pulled over on a public roadway.

Observation and Chemical Tests Are Used To Determine An Impairment


If an officer wants to secure their DWI conviction, they must show that you were legally under the influence of alcohol or drugs when you were pulled over or arrested. This is done by documenting or recording the results of a field sobriety test. This can include involuntary eye movements, your ability to walk a line stably, etc. This is how evidence is collected for your “alleged” guilt.


After the field sobriety tests, the officer will request a chemical breath test (with a breathalyzer). This test will determine how much alcohol you have in your system. A refusal means you can be arrested for violating the implied consent law and under suspicion of being intoxicated. They can then attain a warrant to do a blood draw to get the chemical test.